Pet market situated Al warsan , offers  legal and regulated channel for animal lovers to engage in the trade of pets.
The Pet Market offers several services , these includes:
Selling Ornamental Birds and Pets
Selling Ornamental Fish
Selling Bird Feed
Selling Accessories and Bird Supplies
Selling Guard Dogs and Ornamental
Selling Cats
Selling Rabbits

They also supports and serve the community with 
Examine animals and Pharmacy
Conducting Operations
Feeding animals

Entry to the pet market is free. Restaurants and general facilities are also available. Every Fridays there is birds show( Blue-gold Yellow Feathers big macaw Parrot).Pet owners bring their pets and exchange useful tips with each other. Dog lovers especially love this place. Pets get socialized with their own breeds.Pet owners bring their pets and exchange useful tips with each other. Dog owners especially love this place.There is an separate play area for the kids . 

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